An Uninvited Teacher

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make NOW the primary focus of your life”

Eckhart Tolle from the book The Power of Now

Teachers come in different forms in our life. Some walk on two legs into our classroom and some storm into our lives uninvited. Any situation or circumstances, challenging, heart breaking or disturbing, teaches us something, provided we are open to contemplation. Recent outbreak of corona epidemic is, such an uninvited teacher in all our lives. The question is are we learning?

Life as we know has completely been disrupted. A few months back if someone would have told me the whole world would shut down soon, I would have laughed it off (wouldn’t you have too?) But today what we are seeing is one of those apocalyptic movies coming to life in a horrible way. So here we have a teacher too tiny to be seen by naked eye but boy! is he being felt or what?

A small detour into what it has done… thousands dead, millions infected, and remaining are shut indoors. Forget the economy, basic life the breathing, joyful thinking life has been shut in four walls. Every eye looks worried, everyone is panicking, u hardly hear a smile when one talks across phone lines. My heart goes out to all the healthcare workers and other professionals who have to continue to work. To those who are having chronic illness, pregnant women or bed ridden loved ones, to those who are shut out on country borders, to homeless who have no home to stay in, to those who did not even get a chance to say bye before or after their death due to corona. Think about the various circumstances people were caught in when corona hit them.

uninvited teacher
Thunderstorm ahead

The first lesson I learnt was it’s a great equalizer. Across nations, across disputed boundaries, across economic divides, across cultures and religions it has spared none. So, what does that tell us. The ultimate truth is we are all mortal souls made of flesh and bones nothing more and nothing else in the eyes of nature. Nature gives everyone everything equally. Every other distinction has been created by us human beings and human beings alone.

nature bestows its gifts on all equally
Impartial Nature

Secondly, how the best and worst of human nature comes out under trying circumstances. While some choose to hoard, ignore safety of others (and continue to spread the virus when they should have sat at home), become aggressive on the very professionals who are putting their lives on the line for us (including police force). There are those who show the best in human nature, working tirelessly in lab, in hospitals, in research units, in essential supply chains, on roads to keep the disease at bay. They choose generosity and open their heart and pockets for the greater good of mankind. There are those who have given free access to potentially good websites for the benefit of children / students locked up at home. Which side are you on ?

uninvited teacher teaching us to be human
Be a human first

The stay at home has opened eyes of people to their personal life situation; happy or sad ; and forced one to look deep into it and realize ultimately you need loved ones around , not money, not latest car (sitting in parking lot right now), not even gold / property…Funny weren’t these the very things we were after just few weeks ago?

a lovely dessert made by daughter during stay at home
kids loving creation in a bowl

It has taught us to be self-dependent. There are no maids, cooks, gardeners and fleet of other helpers coming home. It’s time to relearn the basic survival skill of cooking. You will be surprised how many people depend on take out these days. We must know how to keep our own homes clean, wash our own clothes. Sounds silly, but think about it have we taught our kids these survival skills while paying lakhs for their education?

uninvited teacher teaches us to make children self dependent
happy cooking

 It has taught how fickle life is. Its nothing but a house of cards. There are some who still believe nothing will happen to them, this virus cannot affect them, how we live in a foolish fantasy. In a matter of seconds life can change. A single test result can do that. A single life lost, of a dear one can do that. Have we bothered to disengage from the mad rush of money, fame, success, quick entertainment, quicker food, and paused to look with in?  Are we using this time to connect with our family and kids, connect with ourselves or mindlessly gorging internet?

I noticed that the nature is finally taking a break from all the human over activities, indulgence and interference. As I go for morning walks regularly I observe nature a bit more closely. I wrote of its marvels before especially the birds I see. I miss my morning walks dearly. After the great amazon fire, Australian bush fires and so many named and unnamed human atrocities on nature I see the animals both at land and sea happy. You can finally breathe unpolluted air in some of the most polluted cities. Don’t these animals have equal right on the resources of mother nature like the social animal: man ?

birds regaining their space in times of corona
Right to freedom

While countries are spending billions in building walls, pumping up their defence budgets, getting the best that money can buy. Are they sanctioning enough funds to research and healthcare ? In the 21st century isn’t it shameful that we are unable to provide access to good healthcare for all. Hasn’t this COVID19 horror exposed our Achilles heel? While, we demand for so many things from our governments have we stressed on need for equal access to best of healthcare for all?

Above all, I am more thankful than ever before. Thankful that I have a home to stay in surrounded by loved ones. That all my near and dear ones are safe. That I have access to food, water, electricity and internet. I am sure all of us have our own list too. So whether you are a believer or an atheist shouldn’t we all spare a moment and acknowledge the grace that we are having in our lives right now ?

Lots of lessons from this uninvited teacher, that each of us will understand and scrutinize it from our own paradigms. I am hopeful that this is not the end of the world. Please do pray or if you are an atheist wish well for those infected, as there is a undeniable power to positive thinking.

Time and again in history of humankind such storms have come and somehow human race has survived. We didn’t come this far for no reason. The human intellect, the human will to survive, the fighter within us will come through. It will be at a heavy price, some very deep scars, but hope the light will shine through the clouds. I hope the human spirit thus renewed will slow down a bit, enjoy the subtle things, appreciate the love of loved ones and move forward in a more responsible way.

clear sky peaking through dark clouds
clear skies breaking through

It would be an enriching experience for all of us if you could share your experience and lessons learnt through these trying times in the comment section and share the post with your loved ones . Thank you.

Stay safe, god bless you all .

Marathon runner

“Don’t ask me why I run…Ask yourself why you don’t.”

For long I have been intrigued with marathons. Mind you I have never participated in one that is, up until a fortnight back. I have often watched marathons on the TV and always believed it’s a test not of physical but mental endurance. Like all other physical activities/sports once you get into the groove of it, it’s pretty much addictive, I guess.

 The marathon runner in my family is Mr Raju B G my husbands’ brother in law. He is truly an inspiration for sheer perseverance and dedication. His wall of fame is amazing. Have a look at it below. I saw an amazing physical transformation in him once he started running marathon routinely. He wakes up every day at 4 in the morning to run. No wonder he had to be on my blog page.

medals won though sheer grit
marathon runner dream wall

My tryst with marathon happened with a very sweet incident. My daughter and my nephew happened to be born only 3 days apart. So when he ran his first 5k in Houston, Texas my daughter wanted to do it too. The opportunity came late one evening when we came to know Al Ain zoo is organizing a ladies only run. I was still having second thoughts (lazy to drive all the way that too with half the marathon information) but she wouldn’t have it another way.  So there we were (me and my friend with our kids) at Al Ain zoo at 6.30 am chill morning with another 100 or so marathon enthusiast. It was the 2nd FBMA ladies run. we registered on the spot and got our chest numbers

run with the animals

Now starts the fun. The entire run was through the zoo. What beautiful morning sights awaited us. You all know I love running through and walking through new regions as I mentioned in my previous post on al ain oasis or my maldivian experience. So this I knew would be feast for my eyes. I saw…gazelle grazing……wild cat babies sleeping (really adorable )…….flamingos bathing at the pond…..cheetah face to face….. Take a look at the pics. Animals sure are early riser. As you can see I could not stop myself from clicking away even while in a marathon. Breathing early morning fresh air, running through the neat pathways cut across the zoo, watching the wild animals rise…wow it was an unforgettable experience for the walker/runner in me.  Al Ain zoo is a amazingly impressive well maintained zoo and a must see.

oryx at the zoo
majestic oryx
flamingos taking dip at the pond
baby wild cats sleeping cozily
snooze is on
yoga master
leopard face to face
now you see me..
little runner

 So, my little marathon runner was all fine until 3k and then it took all my positive talk to push her through the last 2 k.  The fact that I ran my very first marathon with my daughter was special for me. Physically it wasn’t tiring for me at all as I walk about 5 k regularly. So it was a bigger deal for her. Upon crossing the finish line and wearing that medal it was sheer joy for both of us. Of course a photography session followed…. Me and my daughter together with my friend and her son had a fantastic time. Mind you the kids stole the show.

still going strong
4 km mark marathon
1 more to go
marathon completed first time
proud achievers
Future plans

I plan to do more in future.. may be a 10k… I had read about a hikers journey to top of mt. Kilimanjaro. It had got me thinking. What makes man take up such physically challenging tasks. Isn’t a couch in front of TV with a drink/ bag of chips a better prospective? What makes scores of people across the world wake up early and go for walk? What defines them or sets them apart?

marathon medals
finally done

“THEY ARE ADDICTED”. They have discovered the elixir of life. They know what a difference it makes in their daily routine when they do and when they don’t do their physical routine. In several ways they are already different from their non active peer and try as they may, they fail to explain fully what pushes them. It’s a very personal experience. For morning walkers it’s a sense of accomplishment early in the morning, what better way to start then to first overcome your own mental barriers then prepare to slug it out with rest of the world through the day. No wonder regular walkers are more positive people. You can’t keep them down for long. How about asking that next time you interview someone for a job.

its ain’t over until i say its over; rocky

For anyone and everyone who feel lost at bay at a professional or personal level I suggest starting morning walks. It may sound silly but the mere fact that you put an alarm leave your cozy home and walk out on your path every day the sheer tenacity that it extracts from u somewhere changes u. Bit by bit the chips of negative thoughts fly away. One can’t breathe in toxic rooms, similarly familiar environment do not give fresh ideas or perspectives. Leaving the four walls of your house will automatically open the mind for refreshing and positive thoughts to flow in. You will notice your life changing in amazing ways.

Share your marathon stories. I do see a lot of people on facebook posing with their shining medals. Yes! It’s a great feeling.

one for the photo album..

Each of us have a marathon runner in us. The one which can fight it out for the long haul. Let us bring that person out.