Metamorphosis: Liberation from the old

‘If you dont like something change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude”

Maya Angelou

metamorphosis into butterfly a transformation worth the pain
Metamorphosis is painful yet beautiful

Last year has been a significant year in our lives. Overnight the world changed into a cage of sorts. Sometimes I still find it difficult to believe the speed at which things changed for all of us, the scenes being played out was straight from a sci-fi movie. Life as we know it will never be the same again. Presently, we are all in a phase of complete uncertainty at many levels. Humans by nature crave stability and predictability. Any change makes us irritable, uncomfortable, and even angry sometimes. The current situation triggered by the covid pandemic has led many into trepidation.

But, great men, great thoughts and deeds do not rise out of the comforts of a cushy life. It is, but such situations, that forge a change and bring out the best in us. Maybe it’s time for a change at a personal level, a metamorphosis of sorts so that the new situation we have been hurtled into doesn’t feel like a doomsday prophecy anymore but the impetus for change we all were looking for. A metamorphosis to liberate you from your old self caught and restricted by redundant thinking.


I have always felt introspection to be a very powerful word, most powerful even.  A habit, good to inculcate to keep our actions and thoughts in check. There is a beautiful word in Sanskrit, called  ‘ Svadhyaya”. It’s actually marked as one of the virtues to hone in ancient Indian scripts. Wikipedia says thus; Self-study, in Yoga, is not merely contemplation of one’s own motives and behaviors, but also of one’s circumstances and the environment one is in, assessing where one is in one’s life, what is one’s life direction, if and how desirable changes may lead to a more fulfilling Self.

This summarises what I am trying to convey.

Introspection is a must for profound changes
Introspection is the key

Maybe now is a good time to reassess our lives, our priorities, our commitments, our relations, our goals. Maybe it’s time to have a fresh outlook and simply cast away with our old ways of thinking and looking if they have not served the larger purpose of life. Whether we like it or not covid certainly has forced many of us out of our comfort zone. For those, who have lost a dear one, the journey has been harder.  I realized that all our carefully built plans can be blown away in a minute. I had read somewhere ‘Regret is a heavy stone to carry on one’s heart”. sometimes, we regret what we have not done more than what we have done.

True we can’t just drop everything and start off new. But what I am talking about is changing our thought process, our approach to life, and its events, people, and situations. Don’t you think it’s time to revise that, maybe for a life which is more fulfilling in several ways? A metamorphosis of sorts. Before covid hit us we were all following a well-understood formula of joining the rat race, run till your responsibilities are done, and then get off the bandwagon when you are old and tired of running. How good is this formula? What about your personal desires. Are you happy?

Dusting the old book

 When was the last time you revisited your younger days, that fresh faced younger self with dream filled eyes which felt, nay! believed that anything was possible? One which was great at college sports, or was admired for a lovely voice or one who sketched landscapes with an ordinary pencil or penned a poem oh! so easily. Where did that self of your’s go? Life happened! Right?

caught in web of life,we lose sight of the real purpose of life
Caught in the muddle

This is such a true tale for all of us. We can always rediscover that lost passion. Give it some precious time of our day. We do spend time mindlessly checking Facebook and Twitter updates of random people or endlessly watching tiktok videos or playing candy crush. This could be a better bet. When you follow a passion for reasons as simple as self-satisfaction, the energy it brings does spill into other spheres of lives. Pursuing your hobby or passion does keep stress under control. If you are anything like me keeping a tab on all the hobbies itself is a full-time job (lol : ) ).

At a time when every one is dejected and gloomy, maybe work front and financial front are adding to the misery,  a little step back and introspection is the need of hour. My morning walks are my introspection time. Sort of touching basis with self. It has served me well all these years. That’s the hour of the day when personal commitments have yet not taken full control of your mind. We are a bit more optimistic and ready to listen to our hearts while we watch the rising sun. Try it if you don’t believe me.

sun rising
Positivity of rising sun

Life Calling

 I guess most of us did realize or rediscover the value of loved ones in 2020. Never before were so many zoom meetings set up for non-business reasons. Those separated across countries had a heart-wrenching time. A small prayer for all those who left too soon and family could not bid adieu properly. What does that tell us? At the end of the day, it all boils down to basic needs which are not Gold or Gucci. It is companionship, it is the need to feel good within, it is the need to feel wanted and cared for by someone.  

the waves of sea carry an air of unpredictability
Uncertainty of life

Lately because of my fellowship (orofacial Pain) study I have come across so much medical literature proving clearly that so many of our well-known diseases are the culmination of our own. To quote from Eagles famous hotel California song ” we are all just prisoners here of our own device”. That chronic stress really opens up a can of worms and try as u may u will not be able to put them all back in the can. When our lives are in line with our thoughts or the other way round, stress melts away.

It was heartening to see so many people trying out new stuff when lockdown forced us indoors for a good 2 months. Look at the Facebook updates of people. Everyone was trying stuff from baking to painting, crochet to dancing. More importantly, lots of us realized and appreciated the work done by our wives/mothers at home. Of course, a good warning for those who never learned to cook. Boss! one got to know how to feed their own stomach.   

moulding our destiny is in our hands
Moulding our destiny

Revitalize &  Refresh

So maybe this new year should be in the real sense a new beginning of the way we live and the way we think. It’s not easy, “it’s not easy at all”.  As I told you earlier we are all inhabitants of comfort island.  

The flood of light  drowns the darkness
A new beginning

A very very strong resolve can only herald the change. Trust me it has a snowball effect. Sooner or later people around you will sense that change in you and who knows you may inspire few. Metamorphosis could not have been easier for that humble worm in the safe cocoon. Yet it does undergo the painful change in order to open up those wings and shine those colours. only then will it be able to fly. Right!

very good read

There is a beautiful book I want to recommend everyone. Trust me it’s not a medical book, nor a self help, nor a inspirational saga. It simply asks you to see things as they are. After reading it,   I realized that so many of our fears, misgivings are a culmination of our mind, our thought process and not a reality. More often then not it is our thought process which is the true source of stress and worry. Recommended by my dear friend Dr Kartik Raman, it’s a very insightful book: Cognitive behavioural therapy for dummies (don’t get fooled by the name).

To all my readers please do share at least one thing that you have learnt or one realization that you made or one change for the good that you made due to the pandemic, with me.

If you think this honest writing of mine is worth someone’s time please do share.

God bless and have a meaningful and fulfilling 2021

15 Replies to “Metamorphosis: Liberation from the old”

  1. Nature has taught us now not to expect anything but appreciate everything!!!well penned sonia.will share it

    1. Thank you so much reshma. So true nature is the biggest teacher.making us go back to our roots.

  2. I liked this blog Sonu. Introspection is indeed what many of us were forced to do this Past year. I am taking steps for a better physical and mental health and trying to move towards things and people that bring me peace and joy.
    Keep writing and keep inspiring us with the walks.

  3. Very well written Sonia.As u said it’s our thought process which is the main source of stress.indeed last year forced us to change the thought process and try to see things in simple ways.looking forward for your next blog.keep walking.

    1. Very well written and insightful article Sonia..Thanks fo the book recommendation,Will definately try to read it. Keep writing and inspiring 👍

  4. Very well written and insightful article Sonia..Thanks fo the book recommendation,Will definately try to read it. Keep writing and inspiring 👍

  5. Happy new year !Great musings from morning walker … Just wish to add something regarding change… If you can’t change something the change yourself .. in habits , attitude, beliefs,…to inspire others ..
    May 2021 bring a positive change towards a safe healthy world

    1. So true… If we could be the change for other to get inspired nothing like it. Pandemic has proven how well connected we are.. And how what affects one affects all.
      Thank you.

    1. Thank you sameena.. You are one strong lady so I am sure you would have identified with this post

  6. Great write up and lovely clicks…Agree 100% to the views expressed…. However it is sad that it took us all a pandemic to start introspecting and seeing the woods for the trees… But already it did… This is probably not going to be the last as it’s not been the first…
    What life has taught me is to be selfish in some ways… Maybe this might not sound aesthetic or even politically correct .. But if you won’t look after yourself … Your well being… Create your aura of happiness.. You are useless to those who you care about.. To the society and community at large… Hence… Enjoy life to the fullest .. Laugh loud… Cry your eyes out of need be.. Be yourself… Because dooms day doesn’t need the name Covid… It could be one of many things that I wouldn’t care to mention here … So today is my a gift and live it like there is no tomorrow… And when you go to bed at night have no regrets and wait to see if the next gift package is 8 hours away…
    Which also means sleep for eight hours…
    Thank you Sonia for getting me to introspect too… Best wishes and keep posting.

    1. Dr anil.. This is a journey we all must make. First realize what we want and then work out a sensible pathway forward. According to me it’s not selfish at all. And yes realizing value of time and value of loved ones is paramount
      Thank you so much for sharing your reflection

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