Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries


Changing times are like sand dunes which keep changing their shape as the wind passes by. I say it with a pinch of salt when I say that we are most aware of it when we see white hair appearing on receding hairline. Kids growing up, parents getting older and we are somewhere in between.

I personally feel we are a cusp generation simply cause the life and times of our parents are so diametrically different from those of our children. While we understand the joint family culture our parents grew up in, our children growing up in a nuclear family (mostly single child)  simply cannot comprehend that kind of life.

We are the generation that started with Doordarshan (the only tv network India had in 70s and 80s) and has reached Netflix. We have seen a time when going out for dinner was more or less unheard off to a time when weekend dining is a norm. From strict rules regarding every aspect of life to a life where we make our rules according to our comfort. It’s not a question of which is right or wrong or which is better. It’s just an observation of how in a single lifetime we have transcended a phenomenal change so silently. We are a live example of the changing times.

While I am posting this article in my kitchen a very beautiful preparation for the new year is happening. Here is my daughter baking plum cake ( she wanted to cut one at new year midnight) and here is her granny preparing early for Sankranti (a hindu harvesting festival celebrated in early january). Need I say more about changing times?

The duality

We live in duality day in and day out. Engaging with our parents and children within the same time frame is a classic example. When my mother says don’t talk for too long on phone and waste time I understand it, when my children discuss homework on phone at length or keep zoom meetings to discuss projects I understand that too. Sometimes we are thrown back in time when we see old pics those small black and white ones. They are still dear to me unlike the filter-generated sepia-toned pictures. Sometimes I wonder nothing is real anymore.

A recent visit to my native place took me back to my childhood. Simple joys of just plucking fruit and eating without thinking of pesticide, drinking water from the handpumps at the roadside (they still exist albeit non-functional), walking long distances unmindful of the time to commute. It never occurred to us as kids to even question it, even though we were living in city and visited our village only in summer holidays. Will my children relate to these experiences? Can  I expect my children to enjoy these pleasures? I doubt it very much. They are born and raised in a different era.

Changing times for better or………..

While it’s true that our external world has changed phenomenally, that life has become easier, faster, and more comfortable in so many ways. But it certainly stands to question if it has become better. Are we happier, healthier, and more at peace than our parents? I guess the answer would be no. Our pay packages cannot buy us any of these.

 Our parents more or less worked their entire life in one job saved every paisa that they could, and tried their best to give a good education to children while at all times working within the framework of society, relatives, and joint family demands. Repair was the rule for broken items, recycling for old items, and every new furniture or electronic item was bought with much diligence and fanfare.

Even a simple vanilla ice cream slab was very dutifully cut in equal portions and distributed. And those used to highlight of our lives as kids. New clothes were reserved for twice-a-year events and hand-me-downs from siblings to distant cousins were normal. I blissfully was unaware of anything called indoor sports. Antaakshri was reserved for power outage nights or long train journeys. Each and every sweater I had ever worn was knitted by my mom, there was always only 1 pair of footwear for every member and you certainly gave up your bed if guests came to stay over. Phew, the list is endless. Our schools, our postcards, our wall calendars, our TV antennas, our radio, our summer terrace with jarred pickles, our neighbors, our tea biscuits., our simple festivals, all are preserved in the sands of time.

The generation divide

I wish I could but show a glimpse of that to my children. A generation that seeks every answer on google, which knows the latest gadget and are darn good with technology, whose romance with new stuff gets over in 24hrs or who doesn’t think twice in discarding things which they don’t like the taste or looks of. I am certainly not saying they are frivolous; most parents do try to inculcate in them the value of money but let’s accept it they have never been hit with a scale or a stick. Patience is certainly not their strong point. The tik tok generation which enjoys t20 matches, can they go through watching a test match. Each generation with its culture has its own plus points and drawbacks. All cultures grow around the circumstances existing at that point of time.


Having 2 kids, I know firsthand that this generation of kids has their own struggles, their own social pressures, and their own worldview.  But if anything we need to tell them that while the external world might change the internal values mustn’t. That it can be never cool to raise voice in front of elders. That most good things in life are worth waiting for. That hard work and perseverance still is the corner stone for success. That no matter how delectable the dish looks in an edited photo its final test is the taste.

Covid did teach us to introspect and put brakes on our fast pace life. So many of us turned to simple marriage ceremonies, enjoyed cooking at home, and taught kids how to sweep and mop. There is a place and time for everything. If we who appreciate the culture of the past and understand the need of the present can teach our kids to balance out their everchanging external world with rock-solid internal values we would have done a good job. I guess you will agree when I say..


So if you relate to this article in any way at all why dont you share your opnion or your childhood memory which still retains its special place in your memory in comment section. I would love to hear from you.

Happy 2023 everyone

And Life Just Passed By

“More than ifs and buts in life, it is the mindset that counts and makes things possible”

Sudha Murthy

One of the greatest realizations of a morning walker surprisingly is not of the health benefits experienced, not even its calming effect on the senses but the clarity of thoughts one experiences in that hour. Unblemished by the negative voices (of our own and those of others)which we often succumb to, this time of the day lends a positive aura to every idea and every thought conceived. You will never find anyone returning morose and grouchy from a good morning walk.

life just passed by watching days turn
Mood uplifting views

My kids are aware the first hour in the morning “it is my time of the day, my time alone”. I am very particular about not letting housework or kids work, take up that time. It’s the time of the day where with great clarity I am able to plan my work, my studies, and my personal life

not letting life pass by
Birds eyeview

One thing I learned early on in life is that you and YOU alone are accountable for your life and the direction it takes. While we have no control over situations or what others say and do to us, we certainly can change ourselves, our attitude, our habits, and our choices. Time flies fast. If we desire change in any way in our personal lives now is the time to initiate it. You don’t want to be caught later saying I was busy and life just passed by.

Never catching up !

I used to often see myself  (metaphorically of course) racing against the hands of a clock, always running never really reaching anywhere. Oh! how many hours I have lamented on the workload which keeps piling;  work front.. home front and of course mommy front. Is there no way out? When will I take a break? when will I do the things I actually want for myself? Maybe next time…

life just passed by
caught in the web of life

So fast forward 20 yrs. Kids are settled, me retired from the job, and not much work at home. I am finally free. But alas my age and my health do not allow me to do all those things I yearned for, in my younger days. I realize with a numbing sadness, while I was busy… Life just passed by…


How many of us have dreams the one we see with our eyes wide open? The one which allows us an escape from reality every once in a while. I guess most of us do. Now how many of us are able to fulfill them? Handful. Why so? Reasons could be million but, largely cause our present life situation has tied us down and we have given up on our dreams even before we made an honest attempt.

yonder lies the dream
Vast blue dream

Most of us (men and women alike) get so caught up in the rut of life that we seldom realize how days become months and months become years. There is a reason why all of us see our childhood and college days as the best days of our lives. The unhurried self, which enjoyed its time, which was optimistic about the future which believed in dreams.

life just passed by and i was just watching
Positive outlook of younger days

Do dreams come true? Are they just stuff of inspirational novels and books? Think about it, what sets man at the top of nature’s hierarchy? It’s his intelligence to assess situations,  plan and execute accordingly. Dreams do come true provided every single living moment is spent in pursuing it. I have come to realize that, no one will walk into your life and hand it (dream) over to you gift wrapped. Seldom do other people help you to realize your dreams. It’s you and you alone in the equation. Blaming others, life, family, office, etc for your failure is very easy. Getting caught up in self-pity is most damaging to one’s self-esteem. It snares you for sure. Beware!

Time draught

We each have 24hrs in a day. Still, we find ourselves often playing catch with the pending workload on the weekend. I myself have been often accused of not keeping in touch, not replying to messages, not committing to group activities, not returning house calls. My one-liner “I am busy”.  Ouch! guilty as charged.

dont let life just pass by
Morning view or Cozy bed choice is yours

The key is prioritization and sticking to a schedule. The choice is ours what we do with our time. We often tend to cram in too many activities and end up not doing any of them well. To squeeze in a drop of “me time” seems near impossible. Yet, without giving ourselves and our dreams the gift of time we will end up saying “life just passed by and I did nothing”. Recently for my daughter’s bday, I spent two whole days whipping up her dream cake. The smile on her face was worth it. For a novice like me, it was a lesson well learned if you need excellence you got to put in the hard work.

Hard work bears sweet results

It’s  difficult but...

I tell my kids, to be mediocre or par excellence is a choice WE make. But what goes with hard choice is harder work. Patience and dedication, humility and zest. From losing a few kilos of weight to pursuing higher education, from starting your business to giving up smoking. All are small and big goals, nevertheless significant ones for that individual. Are you looking for excuses or are you looking for ways to fulfill.

look at the bright side
Isnt’t it ?

To absolutely stop comparing ourselves and our lives with those of others is a great liberation of sorts. Aren’t we all on a unique path of our own? Why do we measure up our success against those of others? Our batchmates, our colleagues, our cousins, aren’t they having a life and upbringing, experiences and failures different from us. Isn’t that what molds our personality and ultimately our choices. Then why compare? Each star in the sky charters its own path.

pave your life path
Pave your own path

A life lived in the pursuit of dreams is worthy of its weight in gold.

So time is now. Right now! Not next week or after this big project or after that family function. No excuse! Now my dear NOW.

Get up, plan and move. Inch by inch the worm made it to the apple. And what a delicious apple it was…


hey! drop in a message to me if you liked it and share with those who you believe will get inspired reading this.

Metamorphosis: Liberation from the old

‘If you dont like something change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude”

Maya Angelou

metamorphosis into butterfly a transformation worth the pain
Metamorphosis is painful yet beautiful

Last year has been a significant year in our lives. Overnight the world changed into a cage of sorts. Sometimes I still find it difficult to believe the speed at which things changed for all of us, the scenes being played out was straight from a sci-fi movie. Life as we know it will never be the same again. Presently, we are all in a phase of complete uncertainty at many levels. Humans by nature crave stability and predictability. Any change makes us irritable, uncomfortable, and even angry sometimes. The current situation triggered by the covid pandemic has led many into trepidation.

But, great men, great thoughts and deeds do not rise out of the comforts of a cushy life. It is, but such situations, that forge a change and bring out the best in us. Maybe it’s time for a change at a personal level, a metamorphosis of sorts so that the new situation we have been hurtled into doesn’t feel like a doomsday prophecy anymore but the impetus for change we all were looking for. A metamorphosis to liberate you from your old self caught and restricted by redundant thinking.


I have always felt introspection to be a very powerful word, most powerful even.  A habit, good to inculcate to keep our actions and thoughts in check. There is a beautiful word in Sanskrit, called  ‘ Svadhyaya”. It’s actually marked as one of the virtues to hone in ancient Indian scripts. Wikipedia says thus; Self-study, in Yoga, is not merely contemplation of one’s own motives and behaviors, but also of one’s circumstances and the environment one is in, assessing where one is in one’s life, what is one’s life direction, if and how desirable changes may lead to a more fulfilling Self.

This summarises what I am trying to convey.

Introspection is a must for profound changes
Introspection is the key

Maybe now is a good time to reassess our lives, our priorities, our commitments, our relations, our goals. Maybe it’s time to have a fresh outlook and simply cast away with our old ways of thinking and looking if they have not served the larger purpose of life. Whether we like it or not covid certainly has forced many of us out of our comfort zone. For those, who have lost a dear one, the journey has been harder.  I realized that all our carefully built plans can be blown away in a minute. I had read somewhere ‘Regret is a heavy stone to carry on one’s heart”. sometimes, we regret what we have not done more than what we have done.

True we can’t just drop everything and start off new. But what I am talking about is changing our thought process, our approach to life, and its events, people, and situations. Don’t you think it’s time to revise that, maybe for a life which is more fulfilling in several ways? A metamorphosis of sorts. Before covid hit us we were all following a well-understood formula of joining the rat race, run till your responsibilities are done, and then get off the bandwagon when you are old and tired of running. How good is this formula? What about your personal desires. Are you happy?

Dusting the old book

 When was the last time you revisited your younger days, that fresh faced younger self with dream filled eyes which felt, nay! believed that anything was possible? One which was great at college sports, or was admired for a lovely voice or one who sketched landscapes with an ordinary pencil or penned a poem oh! so easily. Where did that self of your’s go? Life happened! Right?

caught in web of life,we lose sight of the real purpose of life
Caught in the muddle

This is such a true tale for all of us. We can always rediscover that lost passion. Give it some precious time of our day. We do spend time mindlessly checking Facebook and Twitter updates of random people or endlessly watching tiktok videos or playing candy crush. This could be a better bet. When you follow a passion for reasons as simple as self-satisfaction, the energy it brings does spill into other spheres of lives. Pursuing your hobby or passion does keep stress under control. If you are anything like me keeping a tab on all the hobbies itself is a full-time job (lol : ) ).

At a time when every one is dejected and gloomy, maybe work front and financial front are adding to the misery,  a little step back and introspection is the need of hour. My morning walks are my introspection time. Sort of touching basis with self. It has served me well all these years. That’s the hour of the day when personal commitments have yet not taken full control of your mind. We are a bit more optimistic and ready to listen to our hearts while we watch the rising sun. Try it if you don’t believe me.

sun rising
Positivity of rising sun

Life Calling

 I guess most of us did realize or rediscover the value of loved ones in 2020. Never before were so many zoom meetings set up for non-business reasons. Those separated across countries had a heart-wrenching time. A small prayer for all those who left too soon and family could not bid adieu properly. What does that tell us? At the end of the day, it all boils down to basic needs which are not Gold or Gucci. It is companionship, it is the need to feel good within, it is the need to feel wanted and cared for by someone.  

the waves of sea carry an air of unpredictability
Uncertainty of life

Lately because of my fellowship (orofacial Pain) study I have come across so much medical literature proving clearly that so many of our well-known diseases are the culmination of our own. To quote from Eagles famous hotel California song ” we are all just prisoners here of our own device”. That chronic stress really opens up a can of worms and try as u may u will not be able to put them all back in the can. When our lives are in line with our thoughts or the other way round, stress melts away.

It was heartening to see so many people trying out new stuff when lockdown forced us indoors for a good 2 months. Look at the Facebook updates of people. Everyone was trying stuff from baking to painting, crochet to dancing. More importantly, lots of us realized and appreciated the work done by our wives/mothers at home. Of course, a good warning for those who never learned to cook. Boss! one got to know how to feed their own stomach.   

moulding our destiny is in our hands
Moulding our destiny

Revitalize &  Refresh

So maybe this new year should be in the real sense a new beginning of the way we live and the way we think. It’s not easy, “it’s not easy at all”.  As I told you earlier we are all inhabitants of comfort island.  

The flood of light  drowns the darkness
A new beginning

A very very strong resolve can only herald the change. Trust me it has a snowball effect. Sooner or later people around you will sense that change in you and who knows you may inspire few. Metamorphosis could not have been easier for that humble worm in the safe cocoon. Yet it does undergo the painful change in order to open up those wings and shine those colours. only then will it be able to fly. Right!

very good read

There is a beautiful book I want to recommend everyone. Trust me it’s not a medical book, nor a self help, nor a inspirational saga. It simply asks you to see things as they are. After reading it,   I realized that so many of our fears, misgivings are a culmination of our mind, our thought process and not a reality. More often then not it is our thought process which is the true source of stress and worry. Recommended by my dear friend Dr Kartik Raman, it’s a very insightful book: Cognitive behavioural therapy for dummies (don’t get fooled by the name).

To all my readers please do share at least one thing that you have learnt or one realization that you made or one change for the good that you made due to the pandemic, with me.

If you think this honest writing of mine is worth someone’s time please do share.

God bless and have a meaningful and fulfilling 2021


“There is salvation for faltering on any virtue, but not for ingratitude.”

Thirukkural (Translated from tamil; Chapter 11: gratitude)

My father would often quote from the above book to drive in his point while having conversations. Point noted dad. My musings these days do not venture beyond the lessons of the corona times. In my last post, I spoke of the lessons this tiny virus is teaching the world. I felt I needed to write separately on a very important duty which we all are bound as humans to perform. To say “Thank You”.

“Thank you” is a very small word but with a sea of meaning in it. We go through life putting in a lot of energy and time on our loved ones with the mental assurance that they will stand by us in our difficult time. However life is such, that when we need help the most complete strangers turn life savers and we cannot say anything more than a “thank you” to them.

Dual edged sword

My blog post today is an ode to all those who are giving us hope to move on. I call them corona warriors. These people they are fighting not just the disease outside but the emotional effects of this insane situation within themselves also.  Every single day I am reading reports of health workers who have succumbed to the disease while treating. Their place left empty, in the hearts of their loved ones, never to be filled again. For me, they are akin to soldiers who lose there lives in war defending their country.

place in heart left empty
Left forever

 I penned a poem after reading the experience penned by a junior doctor with NHS ( I hope you get to read this post) . I don’t know her name but she is a nameless faceless warrior for me. Just like so many of them out there. I am no poet, yet as I sat reading her account I could not help but pen these few lines. It’s a humble and a sincere attempt to get the focus of the world on the emotional toll this is taking on the healthcare workers every single day.


She died in the last bed,

A study in silent prayer

Remembering her family

Eyes haunted with despair


My lens got foggy

As I stood be(d)side

Realizing too late perhaps,

Can’t afford this emotional ride


“Ah! this just got free”

Signaled my colleague

My heart in a wrench, knowing

It’s for a machine

And not the dead being


I want to scream

At the injustice of life

At the god she prayed to

At the despondency now alive


Its gone past midnight

Got to trudge home

Having cast aside, this blue armor

Lying so heavy on my soul


I knew not why

I chose this lifestory

Was it the lure of titles?

Or the misleading allure of personal glory


Tonight, peace will elude me

The relentless fight within

No medical book can answer

The inherent dilemma therein


Tomorrow is yet another day

I need to brace

Donning my blue suit

With humility and grace


Knowing it’s not over

Until the last hope is alive

What if, One soul is lost

There are many more yet to arrive,


However, I realize

The title “Dr” has costed me dear

sold my soul to the devil?

With death so near


With every breath so precious

I know I‘ll be saying soon

“This just got free”

Probably to save another soul ..

..probably to save another soul.

Dedicated to all front line health workers who every single day are relentlessly fighting the fight both outside and within. God bless you all.

A small notes of thanks
blooming buds reminiscent of hope
Beacon of hope

A small note of thank you to multitude of people involved in the war whose names are probably not mentioned frequently enough…….

Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, ambulance service personnel, technicians of various units , lab personnel, pharmacist and therapist at all hospital/ makeshift treatment units.

Thank you to all the police personnel out there manning the roads, ensuring lock down, ensuring law of land is followed, supervising sterilization programs as its being done here in UAE, tracing and identifying the chain of carriers link and their supporting staff at the call centers.

Thank you to all the small and big shop owners and basic service providers right from the milkman to the security personnel at the gate. Entire food supply chain members. To those providing their services without charge or fear of their own lives.To the health ministry personnel of various countries. This caught them totally unaware as well, but they still are, fighting.

To the factory workers who have to produce at relentless speed the ppe items, disinfectants, medicines, hospital supplies

To all those who have donated funds or their time in contact tracing, or their expertise in translation of language or volunteered for support and rescue operations. I know several dentists too who are doing their bit. There are those caring for homeless people on the road. Those who have not forgotten stray animals on the street.

Wow ! Seems like a long list. But still I am sure I have missed many many more.

So, if you thought you had no one to thank, you were wrong.  We are all part of a big machinery. One cannot survive without the other.

If you know someone who has in anyway served for the betterment of this corona afflicted world, kindly share with them and


God bless us all

Vasudhaiva kutumbakam” ( translated from Sanskrit : the world is one family )

An Uninvited Teacher

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make NOW the primary focus of your life”

Eckhart Tolle from the book The Power of Now

Teachers come in different forms in our life. Some walk on two legs into our classroom and some storm into our lives uninvited. Any situation or circumstances, challenging, heart breaking or disturbing, teaches us something, provided we are open to contemplation. Recent outbreak of corona epidemic is, such an uninvited teacher in all our lives. The question is are we learning?

Life as we know has completely been disrupted. A few months back if someone would have told me the whole world would shut down soon, I would have laughed it off (wouldn’t you have too?) But today what we are seeing is one of those apocalyptic movies coming to life in a horrible way. So here we have a teacher too tiny to be seen by naked eye but boy! is he being felt or what?

A small detour into what it has done… thousands dead, millions infected, and remaining are shut indoors. Forget the economy, basic life the breathing, joyful thinking life has been shut in four walls. Every eye looks worried, everyone is panicking, u hardly hear a smile when one talks across phone lines. My heart goes out to all the healthcare workers and other professionals who have to continue to work. To those who are having chronic illness, pregnant women or bed ridden loved ones, to those who are shut out on country borders, to homeless who have no home to stay in, to those who did not even get a chance to say bye before or after their death due to corona. Think about the various circumstances people were caught in when corona hit them.

uninvited teacher
Thunderstorm ahead

The first lesson I learnt was it’s a great equalizer. Across nations, across disputed boundaries, across economic divides, across cultures and religions it has spared none. So, what does that tell us. The ultimate truth is we are all mortal souls made of flesh and bones nothing more and nothing else in the eyes of nature. Nature gives everyone everything equally. Every other distinction has been created by us human beings and human beings alone.

nature bestows its gifts on all equally
Impartial Nature

Secondly, how the best and worst of human nature comes out under trying circumstances. While some choose to hoard, ignore safety of others (and continue to spread the virus when they should have sat at home), become aggressive on the very professionals who are putting their lives on the line for us (including police force). There are those who show the best in human nature, working tirelessly in lab, in hospitals, in research units, in essential supply chains, on roads to keep the disease at bay. They choose generosity and open their heart and pockets for the greater good of mankind. There are those who have given free access to potentially good websites for the benefit of children / students locked up at home. Which side are you on ?

uninvited teacher teaching us to be human
Be a human first

The stay at home has opened eyes of people to their personal life situation; happy or sad ; and forced one to look deep into it and realize ultimately you need loved ones around , not money, not latest car (sitting in parking lot right now), not even gold / property…Funny weren’t these the very things we were after just few weeks ago?

a lovely dessert made by daughter during stay at home
kids loving creation in a bowl

It has taught us to be self-dependent. There are no maids, cooks, gardeners and fleet of other helpers coming home. It’s time to relearn the basic survival skill of cooking. You will be surprised how many people depend on take out these days. We must know how to keep our own homes clean, wash our own clothes. Sounds silly, but think about it have we taught our kids these survival skills while paying lakhs for their education?

uninvited teacher teaches us to make children self dependent
happy cooking

 It has taught how fickle life is. Its nothing but a house of cards. There are some who still believe nothing will happen to them, this virus cannot affect them, how we live in a foolish fantasy. In a matter of seconds life can change. A single test result can do that. A single life lost, of a dear one can do that. Have we bothered to disengage from the mad rush of money, fame, success, quick entertainment, quicker food, and paused to look with in?  Are we using this time to connect with our family and kids, connect with ourselves or mindlessly gorging internet?

I noticed that the nature is finally taking a break from all the human over activities, indulgence and interference. As I go for morning walks regularly I observe nature a bit more closely. I wrote of its marvels before especially the birds I see. I miss my morning walks dearly. After the great amazon fire, Australian bush fires and so many named and unnamed human atrocities on nature I see the animals both at land and sea happy. You can finally breathe unpolluted air in some of the most polluted cities. Don’t these animals have equal right on the resources of mother nature like the social animal: man ?

birds regaining their space in times of corona
Right to freedom

While countries are spending billions in building walls, pumping up their defence budgets, getting the best that money can buy. Are they sanctioning enough funds to research and healthcare ? In the 21st century isn’t it shameful that we are unable to provide access to good healthcare for all. Hasn’t this COVID19 horror exposed our Achilles heel? While, we demand for so many things from our governments have we stressed on need for equal access to best of healthcare for all?

Above all, I am more thankful than ever before. Thankful that I have a home to stay in surrounded by loved ones. That all my near and dear ones are safe. That I have access to food, water, electricity and internet. I am sure all of us have our own list too. So whether you are a believer or an atheist shouldn’t we all spare a moment and acknowledge the grace that we are having in our lives right now ?

Lots of lessons from this uninvited teacher, that each of us will understand and scrutinize it from our own paradigms. I am hopeful that this is not the end of the world. Please do pray or if you are an atheist wish well for those infected, as there is a undeniable power to positive thinking.

Time and again in history of humankind such storms have come and somehow human race has survived. We didn’t come this far for no reason. The human intellect, the human will to survive, the fighter within us will come through. It will be at a heavy price, some very deep scars, but hope the light will shine through the clouds. I hope the human spirit thus renewed will slow down a bit, enjoy the subtle things, appreciate the love of loved ones and move forward in a more responsible way.

clear sky peaking through dark clouds
clear skies breaking through

It would be an enriching experience for all of us if you could share your experience and lessons learnt through these trying times in the comment section and share the post with your loved ones . Thank you.

Stay safe, god bless you all .

Marathon runner

“Don’t ask me why I run…Ask yourself why you don’t.”

For long I have been intrigued with marathons. Mind you I have never participated in one that is, up until a fortnight back. I have often watched marathons on the TV and always believed it’s a test not of physical but mental endurance. Like all other physical activities/sports once you get into the groove of it, it’s pretty much addictive, I guess.

 The marathon runner in my family is Mr Raju B G my husbands’ brother in law. He is truly an inspiration for sheer perseverance and dedication. His wall of fame is amazing. Have a look at it below. I saw an amazing physical transformation in him once he started running marathon routinely. He wakes up every day at 4 in the morning to run. No wonder he had to be on my blog page.

medals won though sheer grit
marathon runner dream wall

My tryst with marathon happened with a very sweet incident. My daughter and my nephew happened to be born only 3 days apart. So when he ran his first 5k in Houston, Texas my daughter wanted to do it too. The opportunity came late one evening when we came to know Al Ain zoo is organizing a ladies only run. I was still having second thoughts (lazy to drive all the way that too with half the marathon information) but she wouldn’t have it another way.  So there we were (me and my friend with our kids) at Al Ain zoo at 6.30 am chill morning with another 100 or so marathon enthusiast. It was the 2nd FBMA ladies run. we registered on the spot and got our chest numbers

run with the animals

Now starts the fun. The entire run was through the zoo. What beautiful morning sights awaited us. You all know I love running through and walking through new regions as I mentioned in my previous post on al ain oasis or my maldivian experience. So this I knew would be feast for my eyes. I saw…gazelle grazing……wild cat babies sleeping (really adorable )…….flamingos bathing at the pond…..cheetah face to face….. Take a look at the pics. Animals sure are early riser. As you can see I could not stop myself from clicking away even while in a marathon. Breathing early morning fresh air, running through the neat pathways cut across the zoo, watching the wild animals rise…wow it was an unforgettable experience for the walker/runner in me.  Al Ain zoo is a amazingly impressive well maintained zoo and a must see.

oryx at the zoo
majestic oryx
flamingos taking dip at the pond
baby wild cats sleeping cozily
snooze is on
yoga master
leopard face to face
now you see me..
little runner

 So, my little marathon runner was all fine until 3k and then it took all my positive talk to push her through the last 2 k.  The fact that I ran my very first marathon with my daughter was special for me. Physically it wasn’t tiring for me at all as I walk about 5 k regularly. So it was a bigger deal for her. Upon crossing the finish line and wearing that medal it was sheer joy for both of us. Of course a photography session followed…. Me and my daughter together with my friend and her son had a fantastic time. Mind you the kids stole the show.

still going strong
4 km mark marathon
1 more to go
marathon completed first time
proud achievers
Future plans

I plan to do more in future.. may be a 10k… I had read about a hikers journey to top of mt. Kilimanjaro. It had got me thinking. What makes man take up such physically challenging tasks. Isn’t a couch in front of TV with a drink/ bag of chips a better prospective? What makes scores of people across the world wake up early and go for walk? What defines them or sets them apart?

marathon medals
finally done

“THEY ARE ADDICTED”. They have discovered the elixir of life. They know what a difference it makes in their daily routine when they do and when they don’t do their physical routine. In several ways they are already different from their non active peer and try as they may, they fail to explain fully what pushes them. It’s a very personal experience. For morning walkers it’s a sense of accomplishment early in the morning, what better way to start then to first overcome your own mental barriers then prepare to slug it out with rest of the world through the day. No wonder regular walkers are more positive people. You can’t keep them down for long. How about asking that next time you interview someone for a job.

its ain’t over until i say its over; rocky

For anyone and everyone who feel lost at bay at a professional or personal level I suggest starting morning walks. It may sound silly but the mere fact that you put an alarm leave your cozy home and walk out on your path every day the sheer tenacity that it extracts from u somewhere changes u. Bit by bit the chips of negative thoughts fly away. One can’t breathe in toxic rooms, similarly familiar environment do not give fresh ideas or perspectives. Leaving the four walls of your house will automatically open the mind for refreshing and positive thoughts to flow in. You will notice your life changing in amazing ways.

Share your marathon stories. I do see a lot of people on facebook posing with their shining medals. Yes! It’s a great feeling.

one for the photo album..

Each of us have a marathon runner in us. The one which can fight it out for the long haul. Let us bring that person out.

Al Ain Oasis

“B’day are special…they mark the fact that all the efforts and birthing pain were worth it”.

Ah! My 1 yr blog anniversary came and went silently. I celebrated baking cup cakes at home. Looking back last 1 year has been good for the writer in me. All though I went public with the blog much later, I needed to hone my skill and put up some volume of engaging read to talk about before I could tell people, “I BLOG”. Being a working mother of two life runs on full throttle for me. (You see we don’t want to let go of anything : school performance, healthy cooking, job, clean house…we want it all ). Hence my articles are not as regular as I would want them to be. Never the less I try.

sweet celebration

I live currently in a beautiful city called Al Ain. For those of you who are not familiar. Al Ain is part of Abu dhabi which is one of the 7 emirates in UAE. While the world is more familiar with Dubai and Abu dhabi, there are few who are acquainted with this little beauty called Al Ain. It’s a small laid-back city rich in heritage. Its history is long, as it was one of the first places where water / oasis was found by man in the vast desert. Hence some of the earliest habitations in this part of the world were found in Al Ain. It is UAE’s  first UNESCO world heritage site.

Al ain oasis west gate
Oasis entrance

Now, why am I giving you the low down on this place, cause today’s morning walk was through Alain oasis. As you all would know through my previous posts that I love morning walks and morning walks become more interesting when they are through special places. Remember the Maldivian walk I talked about in my previous article .This morning I decided to go through the oasis just to lift up my mood. It happens to be close to where I live. The walk, meant to be in my usual brisk pace ended becoming a snap at every step photographic journey. Don’t believe me check out the pics.

date tree growing after having fallen down
Fallen but no defeated
Al ain oasis plantations
Long road ahead

In Alain oasis, One gets a real feel of the old world bygone and how man lived with frugal means in sync with nature bereft of technology. I recently purchased huawei pro P20 just for its fantastic camera and trust me I used it to the hilt. I was thrilled , I could shoot even a bird perched atop the palm tree. (guess I put technology to good use : ) )

bird perched atop tall tree
Power of zoom

The oasis is spread over 1,200 hectares (3,000 acres) and containing more than 147000 date palms. There are 8 entrances to this place. The place basically showcases how date palm trees are grown, how they are harvested, the old watering system (the falaj system an ingenious engineering marvel) etc preserving the old world touch. From place to place there are pics of the old world giving sneak peek into Emirati culture.

man covering the ripening date with net bags
Date harvesting
older Al ain life
Life in bygone era
the unique watering system of yester years
Falaj system

one can see dates in its various forms of ripening. In fact the place is strewn with fallen ripe dates. So if you are not queasy about brushing the dust off the date and taking a bite go ahead. You know its ok sometimes, to pick fruits from their trees and eating it straight off, kind of like how we used to in our childhood days.

ripe date
Fresh harvest
bunch of date fruit on tree
Date fruit
various stages of ripening of dates
changing colours caught in one frame

So, those of you who like to visit places with a touch of culture and history you must see this place. A better place to get information would be their official website . Morning walks are not just about physical exercise, I have always maintained that.  Its also about enriching life with experiences , its also about getting in touch with nature cause I truly believe we all carry genes which recognize that we are one with nature.

Morning sky

Walking truly gives wings to my thoughts hence the logo that I designed for the blog. I wish everyone would discover what a beautiful, healthy and engaging habit it is. Most people find it difficult to wake up in the morning. I have gone through my share of struggles too. But all said and done it’s a habit worth picking up. I try to showcase here what my mind is going through when I go for my walks. What scenic beauties I revel in? why seeing the sunrise is such an uplifting moment? With the new year, the big 2020 upon us let us make some healthy changes in our lives. Let us take a step back,introspect and come up with changes which will make our lives better. Closed minds like closed doors stop us on our journey to meaningful lives.

rusty old door
open locked up minds


See you on the other side ….. : )

House of cards

“The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability”

Remy (Movie : Ratatouille)

Morning walks are a time of deep introspection , a look at self from a different lens, a pause in time to reassess our life goals or plans. My main anchor for emotional stability is my morning walk. I have a queer incident to relate today. This article is not so much about morning walks but about a huge benefit i reap every single day from it, self reflection.

Few weeks back at 3 o’clock in the night I get a call from a neighbour that she can smell a heavy smoke in the building where we stay but cant figure out from where it is coming. ” Can you smell it too “? To say I was shocked is an understatement. You see we were 150 km away in a cozy hotel enjoying our weekend. To say nothing about the rest of the night that went in utter anxiety. My husband drove all the way back to check on the house and its content wondering if the smoky culprit was our house. I remember the first thing I told my husband when the whole hoopla settled down ” we all live in a house of cards dont we” ?

When we were back and I resumed my walks I took a moment to reflect on that scary night the result was this poem which I penned later. Now, I am no poet but there are times when the rhyming words flow. Never mind my novice attempt at poetry if you get the message my job is done here.

dew drops on leaf
Momentary existence of dew drops

We all live in a house of cards

How sure we are ,

of our plans laid out

our money invested

our ladder figured out.


How we spend time

on things mundane

our office, our shopping

our virtual world insane.


Little do we know

we live in house of cards

one gentle wind

will knock us out hard.


Those chubby sweet hands

will turn rough one day

the dimpled toothy smile will

mock us all the way

you missed the train buddy

that’s what I have to say.


The love and warmth

of people you know

those who cared

will leave before you know.


How comfortably we live

planning for tomorrow

wrapped in our cloak

not knowing the sorrow


For the hand of fate

hits so hard

it creeps quietly

and tears you apart.


Who’s to say

what tomorrow may bring

it may be ordinary

or toss you in a swing


House of cards

that’s what it is

fickle and fragile

know it, as it is


There ain’t no control

on anything here

cause strings are tied

to a different puppeteer


So, enjoy the game

while it lasts

the love , the warmth

the friendship fast

Cause we all live in a


Regret is a heavy,heavy stone to carry in our heart. Let us all drink in what life is offering us today.Appreciate blessing of a healthy body and sound mind. while it is important to plan for the future let us not let go of what is in our hand now. You have kids spend time with them cause they grow so fast they wouldn’t want to spend time with you later.

glitter tough to clean
beautiful messy hands
teddy phase childhood
time will fly

Pick that phone or text that someone whom you haven’t called in a long time but always meant to, we are all on phone all the time anyway. These little gems will leave a lasting memory.

Every single day mother earth brings out these amazing moments early morning, when time stand still. You feel one with the earth. Surprise yourself and take one such morning walk.

beautiful sunrise
nature’s surprise i enjoy everyday

the cloudy canopy
look up once in a while
calming view
the stunning morning blue

I was thinking to myself this morning, if nothing else, all my morning walks must have added a few years to my life in terms of sheer serenity it has provided me. Stress is the number one killer today in case you haven’t noticed.

Share your thoughts on what you read so I will know we are all tied with the same string.


Little Birdie in the sky

“In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous”

morning bird
Early Bird catches the worm

Beautiful Morning Sights

Have you heard the phrase “Early bird catches the worm”? Its true! I see it everyday. Literally. The park where I go for my morning walks is home to several species of birds. The best part about my early morning walks is undoubtedly the bird sighting. At that hour they roam around abashed. The park is generally empty and its their hour of dominance so to say. I have seen so far sparrows, pigeons, mynah, wood pecker, storks, parakeets, wagtail…and there are so many out there which I cant even name. By far the shot below was the most difficult as this particular species flies away if it spots u even at a far distance.

A lone bird watching from ground the landscape
My unnamed bird

Nature’s Lessons

Nature can teach us a lot of lessons if only we keep our eyes and mind open to it. Nature follows the law of hierarchy quiet well. Its very evident in the park. The largest bird the storks are undoubtedly ruling. You don’t see smaller birds coming near them. I often find them pecking into the grass looking for worms. When one finds a worm the rest fight to pull it off him. The juicy fat worm becomes the point of contention. Someday I will get a shot of it up close. The problem is with my mobile long distance shots are not great.

the bird has just caught a thick worm in its beak by pecking into the grass.
The juicy catch

Birds of different species dont mix and stay with their own flock
Birds of the same feather flock together

Then there are pigeons, whom you will find nearby in group but they never cross their territory. You will not find a mixed group of cranes and pigeons. Each one finds its safety and solace in number of their own kind. Pigeons are easy to snap as they don’t get scared easily with human presence.

pigeons of diffrent colours sipping water from the puddle next to the grass
Breakfast meet

Camouflage test

Now the mynah are different they are seldom seen in groups. The quick flyers can be often heard from the trees. They have a very distinct sound which I have now come to recognize. One often gets the feeling of the tree singing as they are difficult to sight. They really do camouflage well, their yellow beak giving them away.

bright yellow beaked mynah perched high on the tree
mynah calling out to its mate
Bird perched atop the thick offshoots from the ground difficult to spot
marvelous camouflage of bulbul

My blue Bird

By far my favourite is the wagtail (thats what i think it is..correct me if i am wrong)… My blue bird as I call it. There is one which perches on the Victorian night lamp always. I guess it’s the favourite spot for the bird, for shall we say birds eyeview. And oh ! when it flies with its beautiful blue wings open,I always hold my breath.They are loners, difficult to spot I wonder what beauty god has bestowed on its creatures. Each more prettier than the other. Now that’s another shot that I want; those blue flying wings against the green grass.

The beautiful bird which always perches on top of nightlamp in the park
My blue Bird
The blue birds wings spread wide as it flies towards the sky
The elusive shot of blue wings

I know it sounds like I am on a bird watching episode of national geographic. But, trust me to an inquisitive eye that’s how it looks. I told you, early morning walks are my connection to the nature. I go into a world so different from mine. Just for those few minutes all the stress and worries of my mundane life stands obliterated.

Trespassing animal territory

I think may be, just may be these moments of utter tranquility will add few minutes to my life In my previous article, I had mentioned about the healing aspect of nature on our mind and body. Animal world is fascinating and full of surprises. There are other animals too at the park especially the cats. Always feeding on left overs of human food having picknicked the previous evening at the park. But more about them some other time.

For those of you who have noticed that the bird population in our modern cities is very slim and how children squeal in delight at the bird sanctuaries, don’t you think we are missing something. We humans are increasingly getting isolated. There is a small way to circumvent the problem. Please place a bird feeder in your balcony. At home we made one for a school project and now it’s a permanent fixture in our window sil. My daughter loves to watch them up close feeding on the grains.

Bird feeders placed in balcony helps feed the birds and keeps up their population
Grain of life

So may be it’s a good alternative to those stress breaker squeezy ball that you have in your desk or those adult drawing books that I find everywhere in the store now to fight stress. Oh! And by the way we made our bird feeder from a Heinz ketchup bottle.
Nothing too fancy. I dont think the birds care for fancy packaging as long as they are getting the grain. Right ? 

Three cheers to mother nature and her boundless creativity. So can you put that mobile to some good use and take some quiet natural shots and share with me.

Adios !

Top 5 Reasons To Start Morning Walk

“Rise at 5 am. spend that first hour on fitness, gratitude and reading”

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma

I have been going for my morning walks now for a good 12 years. I walk on weekdays and weekends are generally reserved for family. In winters when it gets too cold to go out for a walk I replace my walks with exercise for about 20-30 min at home. Why am I so keen on a exercise routine one may ask ? What could be pushing me everyday to pursue? For starters, I am a “NO GYM” person. Yep! Haven’t stepped in one till date. I found that, with my morning walks alone I could achieve all of my daily goals for a balanced life. So, here are my top 5 reasons to pursue morning walks. If you are mulling over the if’s and but’s, may be now is the time to read this article.

1: To keep the sanity meter under check

the calming effect
A balanced sane mind

I cannot stress on this enough and it tops my list. For most of us the constant demands on our limited time creates a state of stress 24/7. I am a working mom of two. With a house running on full throttle, growing kids outsmarting my planning every minute (never ending lists of assignments, tests, competitions, b’day invites)and a job to handle, my hands are full. It can drive you insane, overwhelm your senses. Walking, if nothing, has kept me grounded. Early morning zen moments which make you realize how infinitely small we are in the big universe and how petty our issues are keep you grounded. Introspection is a art to hone for keeps sake. The realization that one should let go, of what one can’t control certainly helps the sanity meter.

2: Multiple health benefits

healthy eating habit
a healthy start

The number of health benefits are numerous and several articles have been written on it. Its good for digestion, good for health of your skin, helps improve health of bone and muscles just to name a few. I have found people suffering from diverse issues such as constipation, lower back pain , irritable bowel syndrome benefiting from it. If you suffer from any chronic disorder do consult your physician. However, I am yet to find any health condition for which a morning walk is contraindicated.

3: To lose weight and keep it at bay:

Weight loss is a constant struggle for a lot of people. Regular walking combined with sensible eating pursued with the zeal of a gladiator is bound to yield results. I am blessed with healthy genes and a normal weight. However, to keep it in check morning walk is my only saviour. As I mentioned earlier I hate gym. Losing weight in this manner is more consistent. The weight loss achieved this way is unlikely to come back fast when compared to a “enroll now lose fast” gym promise. Of course the plus side is, if you are a regular walker you will feel less guilty indulging at times into your favourite comfort food.

4 A great headstart for the day

morning walks keep you sane
I believe I can fly

This one is a sure winner in terms of gaining control over your day. A morning walker invariably wakes up early. A good walk boosts physical energy and helps emotional quotient. So, you are starting your day with a more calm and balanced mind. You are way ahead in the game already compared to others. Now, compare this to waking up at the nth hour rushing through your bath literally gobbling the breakfast or simply gulping down the coffee and wrestling out in peak traffic. Phew! sounds familiar right ! Most successful people have this one habit in common of waking up early. I have mentioned it in my earlier post To say nothing of the clarity of mind it bestows on you. I am a avid planner and don’t waste your time kind of person. So, my morning walks are a huge blessing in terms of gaining perspectives on short and long term life goals. Whatever may be your life situation or vocation: business, student, 9-5 job, house manager ( sorry I find house wife a bit derogatory), you will find morning walks very helpful in terms of planning your day well and staying ahead of days schedule.

5: To become and remain positive:

natures healing power
Beauty of positive mind

Most of us get attracted to positive people and envy their constant high energy. I was once told by a cousin that “tiredness is a state of mind , not body”. (not sure if he was quoting someone else) It means if we are alive in our mind no amount of work will tire us out. When was the last time you felt like that? Staying positive through up and downs of life is way tougher than the selfhelp books make it sound. Waking up every day under a cloud, struggling with emotions, the mood swings, the guilt of it and the hopelessness which comes with it is not easy to handle. At some point we have all fought it. For some, however, it’s a bit longer and a harder struggle.(trust me ! I hear you) I firmly believe, for people struggling with depression, chronic pain disorder, stress related disorders, an early morning walk has huge benefits. It fills you with such energy and makes one lift his head out of the cloud. Trust me ! nature has that healing power if only you will allow it to do its magic.

So,there you go !. This is my list of top 5 Reasons to start morning walk. There are many many other benefits. However, in my experience its an individual journey. Each morning walker will surely tell you there own success stories. So write one for yourself by starting today.