Al Ain Oasis

“B’day are special…they mark the fact that all the efforts and birthing pain were worth it”.

Ah! My 1 yr blog anniversary came and went silently. I celebrated baking cup cakes at home. Looking back last 1 year has been good for the writer in me. All though I went public with the blog much later, I needed to hone my skill and put up some volume of engaging read to talk about before I could tell people, “I BLOG”. Being a working mother of two life runs on full throttle for me. (You see we don’t want to let go of anything : school performance, healthy cooking, job, clean house…we want it all ). Hence my articles are not as regular as I would want them to be. Never the less I try.

sweet celebration

I live currently in a beautiful city called Al Ain. For those of you who are not familiar. Al Ain is part of Abu dhabi which is one of the 7 emirates in UAE. While the world is more familiar with Dubai and Abu dhabi, there are few who are acquainted with this little beauty called Al Ain. It’s a small laid-back city rich in heritage. Its history is long, as it was one of the first places where water / oasis was found by man in the vast desert. Hence some of the earliest habitations in this part of the world were found in Al Ain. It is UAE’s  first UNESCO world heritage site.

Al ain oasis west gate
Oasis entrance

Now, why am I giving you the low down on this place, cause today’s morning walk was through Alain oasis. As you all would know through my previous posts that I love morning walks and morning walks become more interesting when they are through special places. Remember the Maldivian walk I talked about in my previous article .This morning I decided to go through the oasis just to lift up my mood. It happens to be close to where I live. The walk, meant to be in my usual brisk pace ended becoming a snap at every step photographic journey. Don’t believe me check out the pics.

date tree growing after having fallen down
Fallen but no defeated
Al ain oasis plantations
Long road ahead

In Alain oasis, One gets a real feel of the old world bygone and how man lived with frugal means in sync with nature bereft of technology. I recently purchased huawei pro P20 just for its fantastic camera and trust me I used it to the hilt. I was thrilled , I could shoot even a bird perched atop the palm tree. (guess I put technology to good use : ) )

bird perched atop tall tree
Power of zoom

The oasis is spread over 1,200 hectares (3,000 acres) and containing more than 147000 date palms. There are 8 entrances to this place. The place basically showcases how date palm trees are grown, how they are harvested, the old watering system (the falaj system an ingenious engineering marvel) etc preserving the old world touch. From place to place there are pics of the old world giving sneak peek into Emirati culture.

man covering the ripening date with net bags
Date harvesting
older Al ain life
Life in bygone era
the unique watering system of yester years
Falaj system

one can see dates in its various forms of ripening. In fact the place is strewn with fallen ripe dates. So if you are not queasy about brushing the dust off the date and taking a bite go ahead. You know its ok sometimes, to pick fruits from their trees and eating it straight off, kind of like how we used to in our childhood days.

ripe date
Fresh harvest
bunch of date fruit on tree
Date fruit
various stages of ripening of dates
changing colours caught in one frame

So, those of you who like to visit places with a touch of culture and history you must see this place. A better place to get information would be their official website . Morning walks are not just about physical exercise, I have always maintained that.  Its also about enriching life with experiences , its also about getting in touch with nature cause I truly believe we all carry genes which recognize that we are one with nature.

Morning sky

Walking truly gives wings to my thoughts hence the logo that I designed for the blog. I wish everyone would discover what a beautiful, healthy and engaging habit it is. Most people find it difficult to wake up in the morning. I have gone through my share of struggles too. But all said and done it’s a habit worth picking up. I try to showcase here what my mind is going through when I go for my walks. What scenic beauties I revel in? why seeing the sunrise is such an uplifting moment? With the new year, the big 2020 upon us let us make some healthy changes in our lives. Let us take a step back,introspect and come up with changes which will make our lives better. Closed minds like closed doors stop us on our journey to meaningful lives.

rusty old door
open locked up minds


See you on the other side ….. : )

House of cards

“The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability”

Remy (Movie : Ratatouille)

Morning walks are a time of deep introspection , a look at self from a different lens, a pause in time to reassess our life goals or plans. My main anchor for emotional stability is my morning walk. I have a queer incident to relate today. This article is not so much about morning walks but about a huge benefit i reap every single day from it, self reflection.

Few weeks back at 3 o’clock in the night I get a call from a neighbour that she can smell a heavy smoke in the building where we stay but cant figure out from where it is coming. ” Can you smell it too “? To say I was shocked is an understatement. You see we were 150 km away in a cozy hotel enjoying our weekend. To say nothing about the rest of the night that went in utter anxiety. My husband drove all the way back to check on the house and its content wondering if the smoky culprit was our house. I remember the first thing I told my husband when the whole hoopla settled down ” we all live in a house of cards dont we” ?

When we were back and I resumed my walks I took a moment to reflect on that scary night the result was this poem which I penned later. Now, I am no poet but there are times when the rhyming words flow. Never mind my novice attempt at poetry if you get the message my job is done here.

dew drops on leaf
Momentary existence of dew drops

We all live in a house of cards

How sure we are ,

of our plans laid out

our money invested

our ladder figured out.


How we spend time

on things mundane

our office, our shopping

our virtual world insane.


Little do we know

we live in house of cards

one gentle wind

will knock us out hard.


Those chubby sweet hands

will turn rough one day

the dimpled toothy smile will

mock us all the way

you missed the train buddy

that’s what I have to say.


The love and warmth

of people you know

those who cared

will leave before you know.


How comfortably we live

planning for tomorrow

wrapped in our cloak

not knowing the sorrow


For the hand of fate

hits so hard

it creeps quietly

and tears you apart.


Who’s to say

what tomorrow may bring

it may be ordinary

or toss you in a swing


House of cards

that’s what it is

fickle and fragile

know it, as it is


There ain’t no control

on anything here

cause strings are tied

to a different puppeteer


So, enjoy the game

while it lasts

the love , the warmth

the friendship fast

Cause we all live in a


Regret is a heavy,heavy stone to carry in our heart. Let us all drink in what life is offering us today.Appreciate blessing of a healthy body and sound mind. while it is important to plan for the future let us not let go of what is in our hand now. You have kids spend time with them cause they grow so fast they wouldn’t want to spend time with you later.

glitter tough to clean
beautiful messy hands
teddy phase childhood
time will fly

Pick that phone or text that someone whom you haven’t called in a long time but always meant to, we are all on phone all the time anyway. These little gems will leave a lasting memory.

Every single day mother earth brings out these amazing moments early morning, when time stand still. You feel one with the earth. Surprise yourself and take one such morning walk.

beautiful sunrise
nature’s surprise i enjoy everyday

the cloudy canopy
look up once in a while
calming view
the stunning morning blue

I was thinking to myself this morning, if nothing else, all my morning walks must have added a few years to my life in terms of sheer serenity it has provided me. Stress is the number one killer today in case you haven’t noticed.

Share your thoughts on what you read so I will know we are all tied with the same string.
