Top 5 Reasons To Start Morning Walk

“Rise at 5 am. spend that first hour on fitness, gratitude and reading”

The 5 am club by Robin Sharma

I have been going for my morning walks now for a good 12 years. I walk on weekdays and weekends are generally reserved for family. In winters when it gets too cold to go out for a walk I replace my walks with exercise for about 20-30 min at home. Why am I so keen on a exercise routine one may ask ? What could be pushing me everyday to pursue? For starters, I am a “NO GYM” person. Yep! Haven’t stepped in one till date. I found that, with my morning walks alone I could achieve all of my daily goals for a balanced life. So, here are my top 5 reasons to pursue morning walks. If you are mulling over the if’s and but’s, may be now is the time to read this article.

1: To keep the sanity meter under check

the calming effect
A balanced sane mind

I cannot stress on this enough and it tops my list. For most of us the constant demands on our limited time creates a state of stress 24/7. I am a working mom of two. With a house running on full throttle, growing kids outsmarting my planning every minute (never ending lists of assignments, tests, competitions, b’day invites)and a job to handle, my hands are full. It can drive you insane, overwhelm your senses. Walking, if nothing, has kept me grounded. Early morning zen moments which make you realize how infinitely small we are in the big universe and how petty our issues are keep you grounded. Introspection is a art to hone for keeps sake. The realization that one should let go, of what one can’t control certainly helps the sanity meter.

2: Multiple health benefits

healthy eating habit
a healthy start

The number of health benefits are numerous and several articles have been written on it. Its good for digestion, good for health of your skin, helps improve health of bone and muscles just to name a few. I have found people suffering from diverse issues such as constipation, lower back pain , irritable bowel syndrome benefiting from it. If you suffer from any chronic disorder do consult your physician. However, I am yet to find any health condition for which a morning walk is contraindicated.

3: To lose weight and keep it at bay:

Weight loss is a constant struggle for a lot of people. Regular walking combined with sensible eating pursued with the zeal of a gladiator is bound to yield results. I am blessed with healthy genes and a normal weight. However, to keep it in check morning walk is my only saviour. As I mentioned earlier I hate gym. Losing weight in this manner is more consistent. The weight loss achieved this way is unlikely to come back fast when compared to a “enroll now lose fast” gym promise. Of course the plus side is, if you are a regular walker you will feel less guilty indulging at times into your favourite comfort food.

4 A great headstart for the day

morning walks keep you sane
I believe I can fly

This one is a sure winner in terms of gaining control over your day. A morning walker invariably wakes up early. A good walk boosts physical energy and helps emotional quotient. So, you are starting your day with a more calm and balanced mind. You are way ahead in the game already compared to others. Now, compare this to waking up at the nth hour rushing through your bath literally gobbling the breakfast or simply gulping down the coffee and wrestling out in peak traffic. Phew! sounds familiar right ! Most successful people have this one habit in common of waking up early. I have mentioned it in my earlier post To say nothing of the clarity of mind it bestows on you. I am a avid planner and don’t waste your time kind of person. So, my morning walks are a huge blessing in terms of gaining perspectives on short and long term life goals. Whatever may be your life situation or vocation: business, student, 9-5 job, house manager ( sorry I find house wife a bit derogatory), you will find morning walks very helpful in terms of planning your day well and staying ahead of days schedule.

5: To become and remain positive:

natures healing power
Beauty of positive mind

Most of us get attracted to positive people and envy their constant high energy. I was once told by a cousin that “tiredness is a state of mind , not body”. (not sure if he was quoting someone else) It means if we are alive in our mind no amount of work will tire us out. When was the last time you felt like that? Staying positive through up and downs of life is way tougher than the selfhelp books make it sound. Waking up every day under a cloud, struggling with emotions, the mood swings, the guilt of it and the hopelessness which comes with it is not easy to handle. At some point we have all fought it. For some, however, it’s a bit longer and a harder struggle.(trust me ! I hear you) I firmly believe, for people struggling with depression, chronic pain disorder, stress related disorders, an early morning walk has huge benefits. It fills you with such energy and makes one lift his head out of the cloud. Trust me ! nature has that healing power if only you will allow it to do its magic.

So,there you go !. This is my list of top 5 Reasons to start morning walk. There are many many other benefits. However, in my experience its an individual journey. Each morning walker will surely tell you there own success stories. So write one for yourself by starting today.

Do’s & Don’ts of morning walk

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success”

Alexander Graham Bell

I have been talking about how morning walk is a fantastic way to kick off the procastinated health goals. In continuation of my series on the habit of walking from how to motivate yourself into walking habit... to the fantastic experience of morning walks  I thought it was apt to write this one now. Now, that you have started your walks you will have to get some basics right. There are do’s and don’ts for everything. So is true, for early morning walking. This is my list of do’s and don’t of morning walk. Friends ! the preparation starts the previous night.

Have a light meal
light dinner
looks are not always deceptive

Don’t gorge on oily fried or cheesy stuff, the night before. Eat light is the mantra. Enough to abate the hunger yet, not make you feel stuffed. learning to cook healthy and tasty is an art worth acquiring.

Hit the bed early
sleeping early
early to bed…

 Do sleep early at least by 10 or 10.30. If you are a person, who doesn’t get sleep easily then count that extra half an hr for shutting those eyes. Its only in the initial few weeks, that early sleeping matters. Once your body clock is trained, you will invariably wake up. Even, if you sleep past midnight.

stay hydrated by drinking regularly
elixir of life

I can’t emphasize this enough. Any form of exercise needs the body to be well hydrated. I am a poor water drinker. But over the years I have tried improving upon it. You know there are apps for this which remind you to drink up. So, drink a tall glass of water as soon as you wake up and continue to do so through out the day at regular intervals.

Eat a fruit
eat a whole fresh fruit to boost your energy level
an apple a day…

Now, you must eat a fruit. Yes! a fruit of your choice…no need to make lengthy juices or smoothies loaded with ice or sugar.  Just a fruit…like a banana or an apple or a pear. Going for a walk on an empty stomach is never a good idea. You will feel tired soon. My husband carries almonds in his pocket and munches them along. Do what suits you. But no heavy breakfast.

Gadget free or freak
silicon walking belt
smart preparation

What stuff you need to carry? This will entail another article in detail I guess. For now, suffice to say carry your mobile as it can act as your time piece, step counter, music player and of course as a phone.  It all depends on, how far away from home you go. For places close to home just a wrist watch would suffice. That’s what I do. Now, I find it an unnecessary baggage to carry a mobile as the weight impedes me while I am jogging. However, if you must go further away, then you got to carry a whole lot. Wallet, mobile, house key etc you can buy a decent silicon walking belt like the one above which carries it all.

Dress comfortably
dress comfortably for walking
comfort over looks

What dress to wear? Just about anything which is comfortable and socially acceptable. I prefer cotton tees and ¾ jogging pants with zipped pockets. Yep! that red one from adidas is mine. Each country has its own dressing norms. American dressing sensibility, middle eastern and Indian are very different. There is no one, type of attire which is right. Generally, a loosely fitting dress is a good idea. Remember, you are out for a walk not a fashion parade.

The right shoe
choose your walking shoes wisely
Those are mine

Shoes? Hmm.. now those are important. I have seen all sorts of variations even with that. Elderly prefer the slip on type. I prefer lacing up. My mother in law doesn’t even like shoes. She prefers those orthopedic sandals which are soft but firm and are easy to wear. So, you see even that is optional (I know so many of you may disagree with me on this). I believe at the end of the day, it’s a personal choice of comfort.

The final word

Now there are so many…many walking gears, just google it you will know what I am talking about.  What I have mentioned above are the do’s and don’ts of walking that I follow. Depending on where you stay and your lifestyle and health condition you can tweak them a bit. But, what makes walking so wonderful to take up is you really don’t need any accessories at all literally it’s the least expensive habit or hobby to pick up. All you need is…to make your mind and follow the trail.

See you on the other end!

The view through my shoelace loops

“A strange title you say. An apt one I defend…. “

The day I finally got myself to wake up early and tied my shoelace to leave for a walk my eyes opened to  a whole new world I was oblivious to before.

I firmly believe just like every city has a nightlife, it has a distinct dawn life of its own. What do I mean?  At this hour there are very few on the road fewer still on the pavement, u will probably meet the newspaper vendors, the milk vans and fellow walkers. There is a still quietude blanketing mother earth. The streets are quiet, cleaner. The road nightlamps are probably still on. There is a cool breeze blowing. Dewdrops glisten under the morning sun on metal posts and tree leaves alike. There is a certain undercurrent in the air which later on you will start identifying as the morning energy. The birds who are renowned early risers are already on their way to catch the provincial early worm.

Everything appears so fresh and cool. People are going about their work in a unhurried manner. They are more gentle in their demeanor before the days business makes them put on the defensive mask. Strangers actually wish you back when you greet.

Magical morning

If you are blessed to be on the greener part of town then you will surely see the magic upfront. Every morning that I have gone for the walk across the yellow flowered tree, across the feathery cornheads, across the lush green grass I have thanked god that he gave me two eyes to see this, that he has blessed mother earth with the abundance of nature, that he gave me the good mind to actually take that walk and experience this dawn life.

purple heads
Paint me purple

Have you ever seen dawn breaking through. The first time I saw sun rays filtering through the wispy clouds I was stunned. Luckily I was carrying my mobile that day and I couldn’t help but click this image.

Doesn’t it look radiant. Like one of those pics you see in movies showing gods amazing grace flowing. It was so surreal. I actually just stood there forgetting about my walk and just staring at the beauty.  Wow! How beautiful this world is? How we are so unaware of the gift bestowed on us every single day. How we are missing out on literally the best part of the day, our whole life ? In cities with the high rise  it is difficult to appreciate all this. But whenever you get the chance probably on your holidays or your visit to your native village do take the opputunity to explore the dawn life of the place. You will appreciate life in a very different light.

Beach sunrise

I had the good fortune of holidaying on a Maldivian island last summer. My room was pretty close to the beachfront. I woke up early and went for a walk on the beach circumscribing the small island. I cannot describe the beauty I saw in words. Suffice to say that I will never miss this opportunity on a future trip.

heaven on earth
Maldivian heaven

The waves hitting the shore, the rising sun bathing the water light hue of orange the fresh air filling my nostrils with a coolness of its own. Even the tress on the shore seem to be gently swaying to the morning tune. I know I am going ahead of myself with all this poetic stuff but its true that one does become a bit philosophical coming face to face with this aspect of nature. The artist in me will observe the beauty of even a line of ants or play of squirrels. Aren’t all these wonders on earth to …delight upon…devour…..admire ?

Now imagine if I had never made up my mind and tied those shoelace, what I would have missed. So didn’t I just see a whole new world through those loops metaphorically ?

What does your city’s dawn life look like ? Send me in pics , comments..would love to see the beautiful sunrise from across the world.

Have a fantastic day !

Best new year resolution

new year resolution for new beginnings
Toast to new beginnings
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream”

C S lewis

As the year is drawing to a close and winter has set in for good, it’s that time of the year when we look back at the year gone by and contemplate the bygones.

In my opinion the world is no better than what it was, sorry but that’s the way it is. The big question is, are u better than what you were, same time last year? Hmm! something to think about it.  All of us without exception, do get the thought that we are getting a year older, just when the midnight bell strikes.  Are we any closer to our dreams, our goals, our aspirations? It may be anything, personal or professional. But the bigger question we must be asking ourselves is have we changed or matured a bit more than we were last year. May be its time for new beginning with a new year resolution that we can stick to.

Personal growth

Somehow its my belief that progress cannot happen without an open and progressive mind. How can we be our same old self and yet expect situations to turn a new leaf or things to around us and fall in place. Get that coveted project, improve relationships, finish those courses etc. To achieve anything, we must work not just on the external factors but internal environment as well. We must Observe how our mind reacts to various happenings and conversations and people. Do we pass judgement? Do we blame others instead of taking responsibility? Do we procrastinate? When we learn to analyze our thoughts and actions we learn valuable lessons. As I told my son the other day you are your own best critic and own best control.  Self reflection is a great art to be honed indeed.

Turning a new leaf

We all make our list of new year resolutions. On most of those lists there is a health related resolution. The guilt we have of having a sedentary work life, poor eating habits, high job stress, makes us put up those goals. Somewhere we know we need to do something about it. Hence the resolution. The one healthy habit to pick up this year is to start walking in the morning.

Let me enlist the benefit

1 body energy improves greatly

2 the mind feels rejuvenated

3 its your free time to spend with yourself alone

4 body feels lighter and more agile

5 A sense of achievement or completion early in the day

6 better control on emotions and a more balanced view on life

7 less guilt when eating comfort food

8 automatic improvement in food choices that we make

guilt ridden food
Best comfort food

9 Body gets its dose of VIT D

I can go on…but these are the benefits I have experienced personally ( ). I know its difficult but still its worth a try. Find your reason to go for that walk and make it stick. It may be fitting into your old jeans or letting go of the emotional giant wheel you seem to be always riding or planning the next big move or simply looking for inspiration if you are a creative person. TRUST ME it helps. Don’t believe me…try it for yourself.

The habit for keeps

Waking up early is tough I have had my share of struggle with it. But once you are past that hurdle the world is yours to grab. Those health goals are within reach with a simple zero expense exercise. Let the new year see a newer you.

winter morning moon
Morning moon

Winters are tough to start the habit with. Still if you wanna see moon in the morning sky, the sun penetrating the cold horizon, your watch finally slowing down a bit…take that walk. You even get to see the night lamps on, which makes you feel you beat even the sun. Yep ! Winter mornings have a beauty of their own which summer sun cannot compete with.

street lights still on
You beat the sun

Hope each and everyone of you achieve the goals you have set up for this year. Let us all make a new beginning with a new year resolution which will pay rich dividend.

 Happy new year and happy new you !

How to Wake up early: Trials and Triumph

“If You Want Something . Go Get It. PERIOD.” 
Chris gardener, movie: Pursuit of happiness

The story of all the methods i tried to wake up early regularly and how i succeeded finally
Struggling to wake up early

Breaking an old habit and making a new one is an arduous journey to undertake. If ever I have done anything tough physically…it has been getting into the habit of waking up early. For some waking up early is no big deal. But I belong to the slumber body. I just couldn’t wake up early. Now, don’t get me wrong the good intentions were always there. They were just not enough to get me off the bed.

wake up early
wake up call

It’s a herculean task to open those eyelids at 5 or say 6 in the morning. You know, only the eyebrows lift…the eyelids refuse to let go of each other. They feel swollen shut. You are very much still an actor in your dream play. So you are still wading with one leg each in dream and real world. Now, this is the zone you need to cross.If you happen to be snuggled cozily in your blanket in a darkened room with cold wind blowing from the AC, Boy! You are in trouble.

My early days

When someone says walking is all fine , waking up early is the problem. I understand that. Trust me I have been there. I faced this problem for a long time. I had this good intention of starting off on my morning walk for a very long time. However ,it was just not happening because of waking up late.

Every day after waking up late I would berate myself and then promise myself that I will wake up early the next day for sure. Oh! how easy is thy promise to fulfil 24 hr later. I would get charged up that tomorrow is the “THE DAY”. Making a full TO DO list down to the minutes. I would sleep that night all motivated. But alas! the calling from the yonder of a shrieking alarm cannot break you from the embrace of deep sleep.So, I would end up waking up again at my regular time having dutifully switched off even the snooze. Sigh! yet another cycle of self reprimanding  and motivating and planning.

Action plans

One day I realized enough is enough, got to get my a***off that bed. So, I come up with the master plan. After consulting google of course. I drank 3 big glasses of water at night before sleeping. Well you get the idea right? By the time my morning alarm rang I had already woken up thrice in the night to use the rest room. Needless to say, I woke up super irritated ready to punch the next person I laid eyes on. So, PLAN 1 failed.

 Next, I tried moving the alarm to the next room. Google experts told me so. If you have to wake up and walk to next room to switch it off, you would have crossed the zombie zone. Guess what I narrowly missed getting a black eye from other people in the house. Cause everyone heard it BUT me. Plan 2 fails

Next, I tried sleeping on a bare mat on the floor. You see google was targeting the cozy blanket part. It worked alright but a bit too early. I woke up in the middle of night with so much bodypain that I sleep walked to that cozy blanket and got into an even better sleep than usual. Plan 3 down the drain or sleepy lane shall I say.

Desperate measures

Then I tried my last resort. The most dangerous of the lot. I asked my dad to wake me up. He asked me, Are you sure? He had an amusing look. But I was determined\. Determined enough to put my hand in the lion’s den. Cause you don’t tell your dad something and back out. I had just closed the fire escape. So Yes! dad did wake me up in the morning. Not in a very subtle manner. Loud enough and assertive enough. So, I woke up. You would think I would be excited about finally making it. But hardly. I woke up sullen with dad berating me for being so lazy and how in his childhood waking up late was unheard of. So ya you can say I didn’t use that service again. Plan number 4 a big NO !!

Next I tried mom. You can see I don’t give up easily. She would be more gentle and persuasive. Our last resort is always mother. Period. So, the big day arrived…. exactly at the time it always did. I asked my mom why didn’t you wake me up? Well I tried but you just didn’t move. How many times can i call you? I called you thrice and gave up. I got angry with her. Well you can always try tomorrow she said. There we go ! How do I tell her TOMORROW is the bane of my existence which never gets converted to today. Plan 5 Zilch !!!

Now you can see it was not for want of trying that I Couldn’t wake up.

The Learning curve

Through all these funny and not so funny episodes I realized that its only ME who is losing out on something so precious. Ya! Loads of people have written about advantages of waking up early.All my heroes and heroines. I very much wanted to be part of that league. The morning people’s league that I mentioned in my previous post. You can read it here   .

If you have sailed in a similar boat you should know that it’s a process in the making. Making your brain inches by inches day by day tuned to the right frame of mind. By the end of all your episodes your brain would know that you want it badly enough. I am sure there is some study done on this process somewhere. Anyway there does come a morning and trust me on this one. When your eyes would open and your ears will listen to that alarm. Your legs will swing off the bed and you will finally break that adhesive bond to your bed.

beautiful sunrise
Glorious morning

The glorious day arrived for me. I walked slowly to the bathroom washed my face, brushed my teeth. Had a glass of water. Changed to my walking attire. FINALLY tied those sneaky shoe lace that have alluded me for so long. You should have seen the smile on my face that day. It was plastered all through the walk.  To a passer by I was smiling for no reason. But I knew it was a moment of personal triumph. I suppose that is how it feels every time we overcome our demons our fears our inadequacies. And it feels damn good.

So for those of you who do want to wake up early and are struggling with it, I would say don’t give up trying.Every single day strengthen up that mind. The war is not over yet. I still find it difficult to wake up on cold mornings. But I know now its only my WILL that needs to be strengthened. “Where there is a will there is a way”.Y Trust me, your BIG DAY WILL COME. Just don’t give up easily. I will leave with words of wise lincoln

 “I am slow walker but I never walk back”

abraham lincoln

League of Morning Men

 “The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell. Don’t go back to sleepRumi

The art of waking up early (Trust me ! it is no lesser than an art), is a difficult one to master. I am a big believer of logotherapy byViktor Frankl. It primarily says any action is taken only when there is a motive or a desire to do it. How, kids wake up late on school days and early on weekends is a classic example of that. It holds good for gaining the habit of waking up early too. This entire write up is dedicated to honing this habit.  Why am I dedicating so much precious space on this habit? Cause I know loads of people simply don’t get into the habit of early morning walk due to their inability to wake up early and give in too easily. They are missing something so beautiful. There is a league of morning men who would swear by this habit of theirs.

The league

 Let me talk about some famous people who learned to beat the sun. Music genius A R Rahman had mentioned in an interview that he tries not to miss his morning prayers. He says “ A lot of grace flows into life at this time. It is during serene morning that one feels closest to omnipresent”. Michelle Obama hits the gym by 8.30. Tim cook is known to wake up early and catch up on his emails (although I wouldn’t agree on checking the mail part). Jaggi Vasudev the founder of isha foundation urges people to do their yogic practices early in the morning what he calls the brahma muhurta. Benjamin franklin, was a major proponent of “early rising”too. Hence his famous quote “early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”. 

By now I guess you can see that it is the success mantra of most successful people. Surely, we all want to jump onto the bandwagon and join this league of morning men. Few of us  get motivated looking at life models of others. How long does the motivation last?  I firmly believe that one must make any change for the sake of themselves. Embrace change because you want to be a better person and want to do something good for yourself. This way the change is likely to be permanent. This one, habit has far reaching effects both on body and mind.

Why should I wake up early ?

That early hour, when light is still filtering through the sky, the breeze is pleasantly cool and its quiet everywhere, you connect best to your inner self.

the blessed hour
The blessed hour

There is a common energy current flowing through all beings and you feel it. Even those who hit the road at this time, refrain from honking lest, the quietude is disturbed. There is something very magical about the whole atmosphere. Your mind is much clearer and very positive.  In such an hour when one engages in practices of walk, meditation, yoga or any form of exercise, it has threefold effect ; strengthening the body,  refreshing the mind and  having a jumpstart to the day. You will be well prepared for all the activities ahead rather than playing catch the whole day.

Now if you feel motivated enough give it a try. Eat a light dinner, hit the bed early the previous night and give yourself the pep talk. Habit changes cannot be accomplished in a single day. Both mind and body need to get tuned. Sooner or later the body will buckle to the demands of the mind. So, initially you may struggle in waking up as I did. (that article is coming up soon ).  But, soon your mind will be trained into waking the body up early. Keep up the habit and you will find yourself enjoying that quiet wee hour all to yourself to be spent as you please.

Give it a go !

The First Step

I can’t exactly remember when I started my morning walks.. but I do know that having once started and pursued it through the initial few weeks, it became my morning coffee…

First Step
The first step

Walking is a hobby thousands of people around the world pursue. Yet, for every single person who is into this habit there are at least a thousand who are not. I know, cause the park is mostly empty in the morning where I go. It’s a fact that it is one of the healthiest hobbies to pick up. Yet, somehow most people are not into walking. To see why? Let’s start right at the beginning…
So, what makes a man/ woman get up or not get up in the morning? Right from my childhood I have been a late night person. I would always tell my friends I have seen 5 am from the night end and not from the day side of the clock. For my exams I could sit as late as possible in the night studying. But, I don’t remember ever getting up early to study. I loved my early morning sleep so much. That is primarily the reason why most of us are not able to take the habit of morning walk. I shall tell you guys about my hilarious attempts on waking up early in a later post. For now, lets just enlist the reasons. There are scores of people who don’t feel motivated enough to wake up in the morning. But the catch is, the habit in itself is motivating i.e only one who has pursued it through the tough first few weeks (oh ! they are tough) knows that once you are in the groove you get addicted and get motivated from within.
Another prime reason is late nights. There are lots of people who are in the habit of sleeping late. Either they come back late from work or house chores are piled up or Netflix is simply too good. Let’s not forget our online alter ego. If one sleeps late its difficult to catch up with the sun. So that’s a big hurdle to cross.
There is a major working population who, must leave home early so can’t afford an early morning walk. For them an evening walk is always a good option. I have tried those too. It may not have all the benefits of morning walk but most of them still hold good.
There are few people who simply can’t leave home, whatever may be the time. Reasons could be many. But, even for those people, 20 min of “my time” engaged in exercise or meditation inside their home is helpful.
The biggest HURDLE of all is the same which stops us all from doing anything challenging in life. “The Will”. I am no expert. But take it from a person who devours inspirational books that no person, no book, no inspirational quote can catapult you into taking up any habit. The sheer inertia of morning sleep is pretty tough to overcome. The reasons for not taking the habit often outnumber the good ones in our head. So, what do we do ? YOU JUST HAVE TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Yes ! That’s the only thing between you and your sneakers. Your own mind. Whatever works for you to take that first step, TAKE IT! There is no one technique or mantra which works for all. BUT ONCE YOU START DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU HAVE CROSSED THE 2 WEEKS MARK. Not even on weekends. Let one weekend be late night free. Trust me you will thank yourself for trying this one out. Cause it would open your eyes to a different world that you never knew existed.
Just Do it (says nike too ! )
Here’s to the first step. Cheers !

About me

Hey Everyone,
Hi! My name is Sonia and I am a morning walker. Walking is my way of starting each day on a positive note. It not only energizes me physically but gives me the “me time” we all need to have for ourselves. Away from home, it’s a clutter free… noise free… responsibility free zone of my own. ( I am a working mom you see !).
It took me a very long time to get into the habit of waking early and cultivating my hobby of morning walks. Over my years of having this habit I have noticed that if you are a lone walker, like me, this time of morning will also become your introspection time. Yes! Your mind is clear to plan ahead, to analyze the decisions, to observe life and enjoy so many little gifts of nature which we seldom stop to enjoy. There are multiple benefits to reap if only one gives it a try. I hope I can motivate few of my readers at least to try this hobby and see what a difference it will make to their lives.