The First Step

I can’t exactly remember when I started my morning walks.. but I do know that having once started and pursued it through the initial few weeks, it became my morning coffee…

First Step
The first step

Walking is a hobby thousands of people around the world pursue. Yet, for every single person who is into this habit there are at least a thousand who are not. I know, cause the park is mostly empty in the morning where I go. It’s a fact that it is one of the healthiest hobbies to pick up. Yet, somehow most people are not into walking. To see why? Let’s start right at the beginning…
So, what makes a man/ woman get up or not get up in the morning? Right from my childhood I have been a late night person. I would always tell my friends I have seen 5 am from the night end and not from the day side of the clock. For my exams I could sit as late as possible in the night studying. But, I don’t remember ever getting up early to study. I loved my early morning sleep so much. That is primarily the reason why most of us are not able to take the habit of morning walk. I shall tell you guys about my hilarious attempts on waking up early in a later post. For now, lets just enlist the reasons. There are scores of people who don’t feel motivated enough to wake up in the morning. But the catch is, the habit in itself is motivating i.e only one who has pursued it through the tough first few weeks (oh ! they are tough) knows that once you are in the groove you get addicted and get motivated from within.
Another prime reason is late nights. There are lots of people who are in the habit of sleeping late. Either they come back late from work or house chores are piled up or Netflix is simply too good. Let’s not forget our online alter ego. If one sleeps late its difficult to catch up with the sun. So that’s a big hurdle to cross.
There is a major working population who, must leave home early so can’t afford an early morning walk. For them an evening walk is always a good option. I have tried those too. It may not have all the benefits of morning walk but most of them still hold good.
There are few people who simply can’t leave home, whatever may be the time. Reasons could be many. But, even for those people, 20 min of “my time” engaged in exercise or meditation inside their home is helpful.
The biggest HURDLE of all is the same which stops us all from doing anything challenging in life. “The Will”. I am no expert. But take it from a person who devours inspirational books that no person, no book, no inspirational quote can catapult you into taking up any habit. The sheer inertia of morning sleep is pretty tough to overcome. The reasons for not taking the habit often outnumber the good ones in our head. So, what do we do ? YOU JUST HAVE TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Yes ! That’s the only thing between you and your sneakers. Your own mind. Whatever works for you to take that first step, TAKE IT! There is no one technique or mantra which works for all. BUT ONCE YOU START DON’T STOP UNTIL YOU HAVE CROSSED THE 2 WEEKS MARK. Not even on weekends. Let one weekend be late night free. Trust me you will thank yourself for trying this one out. Cause it would open your eyes to a different world that you never knew existed.
Just Do it (says nike too ! )
Here’s to the first step. Cheers !